/Geunsik Lim Homepage/

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[My profile] TOC
  • Full name: Geunsik Lim (임근식, 林根植)
  • Home (road address): Dongtanwoncheon-ro 915beon-gil, Youngtong-gu, Suwon-si, South Korea
  • Nickname: chiphead (like geek), invain (to no purpose, aimlessly)
  • A picture of memories with friends and companions
  • E-mail : leemgs.at.gmail.com
  • Gtalker (Hangout) : leemgs.at.gmail.com
  • ICQ : 46455794
  • EDAS identifier : 743415
  • IEEE identifier : 92541846
  • EasyChair identifier : leemgs
  • Skype : geunsik.lim
  • Blog : http://blog.naver.com/invain
  • Jumpit : https://www.jumpit.co.kr/myjumpit
  • Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/leemgs
  • Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/leemgs
  • GitHub Account: https://www.github.com/leemgs/
  • MBTI Test: ENFJ (Download the MBTI file)
  • Tanagement Test: 탐구(Explore)
  • Atlassian Account: https://leemgs.atlassian.net
  • GitHub Memory: https://www.gitmemory.com/leemgs/
  • Google Scholar Citations: http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Oy8m5Z8AAAAJ
  • ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID): https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1845-7132
  • My articles on arXiv: http://arxiv.org/a/lim_g_1
  • My Communications ACM account: https://cacm.acm.org/ (id: geunsikl)
  • My IEEE account: https://www.ieee.org/ (id: leemgs@gmail.com)
  • My ScienseWISE: http://sciencewise.info/users/Geunsik_Lim
  • OpenReview Account: https://openreview.net/profile?id=~Geunsik_Lim1
  • Researcher ID: https://publons.com/researcher/AAJ-5623-2020
  • Publons ID: https://publons.com/researcher/1390521/geunsik-lim/
  • DBLP ID: https://dblp.org/pid/20/9588
  • Semantic Scholar: https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/Geunsik-Lim/8537854
  • Community(Fedora) : http://leemgs.fedorapeople.org/
  • Community(Kandroid): http://www.kandroid.org/
  • HomePage(restricted area): http://leemgs.mooo.com 
        : Power outage period: 23:30 ~ 07:30 (Seoul time, KST)
  • HomePage(open area): https://leemgs.github.io 
  • Affiliation: Samsung Electronics (Suwon city, South Korea)
  • Work Experience: Refer to Linkedin
  • Military Service: Army 7273 Troop Infantry Branch (26 months)
  • Bio: Geunsik Lim has been working as a software engineer to research and develop commercial embedded devices at Samsung Electronics. Recently, he has been developing a mobile software platform's low-level system software to strengthen consumer electronics (CE) devices' product competitiveness. He has participated in Ottawa Linux Symposium (OLS), Linux.org.au (LCA), and IEEE conferences as a speaker and session chair to help the open-source ecosystem. Before that, he had engaged in UNIX/Linux core of advanced technology R&D work. He has worked with different kinds of system software to set up embedded devices like smartphones, tablets, digital TVs, and printers. He has been involved in a range of open-source projects, including Linux, GCC, Glibc, Android, and Tizen. He loves to use the Linux kernel and open-source software to help commercial embedded devices and solve technical problems.

  • [International Journals] (1st author or corresponding author) TOC

    1. Geunsik Lim, Donghyun Kang, and Young Ik Eom, "Thread Evolution Kit for Optimizing Thread Operations on CE/IoT Devices," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics SCI, vol. 66, issue 4, pp. 289-298, Nov. 2020

    2. Geunsik Lim, Donghwa Lee, and Sang-bum Suh, "Cloud-Based Content Synchronization Method for Collaborative Learning Environment," International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), Invited Paper, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 24-30, Mar. 2015

    3. Geunsik Lim, Changwoo Min, and Young Ik Eom, "Virtual memory partitioning for enhancing application performance in mobile devices," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics SCI, vol. 59, issue 4, pp. 786-794, Nov. 2013

    [International Conferences] (1st author or corressponding author) TOC
    1. Geunsik Lim, Donghyun Kang, MyungJoo Ham, and Young Ik Eom, "SWAM: Revisiting Swap and OOMK for Improving Application Responsiveness on Mobile Devices," MobiCom 2023 (29th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking), Oct-2023, TOP-TIER

    2. Geunsik Lim, MyungJoo Ham, Jijoong Moon, and Wook Song, "LightSys: Lightweight and Efficient CI System for Improving Integration Speed of Software," 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)-SEIP, Madrid, Spain, May. 2021. TOP-TIER

    3. Geunsik Lim, MyungJoo Ham, Jijoong Moon, Wook Song, Sangjung Woo, and Sewon Oh, "TAOS-CI: Lightweight & Modular Continuous Integration System for Edge Computing," 37th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2019.

    4. Geunsik Lim and MyungJoo Ham, "BB: Booting Booster for Consumer Electronics with Modern OS," The European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), London, UK, Apr. 2016. TOP-TIER

    5. Geunsik Lim and MyungJoo Ham, "Faster Booting in Consumer Electronics," USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), Practitioner Talk, Santa Clara city, CA, USA, Jul. 2015. TOP-TIER

    6. Geunsik Lim and MyungJoo Ham, "Faster Booting in Consumer Electronics," USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), Poster, Santa Clara city, CA, USA, Jul. 2015. TOP-TIER

    7. Geunsik Lim, Jae-young Hwang, Kyungmin Park, and Sang-Bum Suh, "Enhancing Init Scheme for Improving Bootup Time in Mobile Devices," IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU),Invited Session Chair, Hakodate City, Hokkaido, Japan, Jan. 2015. Accepted (Acceptance Rate:28%)

    8. Geunsik Lim, Downghwa Lee, and Sang-Bum Suh, "Cloud-Based Content Cooperation System to Assist Collaborative Learning Environment," IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Invited Session Chair, Wellington, New Zealand, Dec. 2014. Accepted (Acceptance Rate:34%)

    9. Geunsik Lim and Sang-Bum Suh, "User-Level memory scheduler for optimizing application performance in NUMA-based multicore systems," IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (IEEE ICSESS), Beijing, China, Jun. 2014. (Acceptance Rate: 27%)

    10. Geunsik Lim, Minho Lee, R.J.W.E. Lahaye, and Young Ik Eom, "Distributed compilation system for high-speed software build processes," IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp), Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 2014.

    11. Geunsik Lim, Young Ik Eom, "Accelerating software compilation using HTCondor and Distcc," Linux Conference on Australia (LCA), "Developer, Testing, Release and CI Automation" Miniconference, Perth, Australia, Jan. 2014.

    12. Geunsik Lim, Changwoo Min, and Young Ik Eom, "User-aware power management for mobile devices," IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2013.

    13. Geunsik Lim, Changwoo Min, and Young Ik Eom, "Enhancing application performance by memory partitioning in Android platforms," 31st IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2013.

    14. Geunsik Lim, Changwoo Min, and Young Ik Eom, "Optimized lightweight thread framework for mobile devices," 3rd International Conference of Institution of Engineering and Technology [IET] Brunei Darussalam, Brunei, Sep. 2012.

    15. Geunsik Lim, Changwoo Min, and Young Ik Eom, "Load-balancing for improving user responsiveness on multicore-based embedded systems," 14th Linux Symposium (OLS), Ottawa, Canada, Jul. 2012.

    16. Geunsik Lim, Hyun-Jin Choi, Sang-Bum Suh, "NPTL Optimization for Lightweight Embedded Devices", 13th Linux Symposium (OLS), Ottawa, Canada, Jun-13-2011

    17. Geunsik Lim, Jupyung Lee, Sangbum Suh, "Deploying Preemptible Linux in the Latest Samsung Camcorder", 12th Linux Symposium (OLS), Ottawa, Canada, Jul-13-2010

    18. Geunsik Lim, "Android Platform on S3C6410 board", 3G Mobile Phone Design Conference, Simcheon/Hongkong, China, 2009

    19. Geunsik Lim, "Android Platform on X86 Netbook", Beijing Asia Pacific Android Conference (APAC), Beijing, China, 2009

    20. Geunsik Lim, "Android Platform on X86 Netbook", Shanghai Asia Pacific Android Conference (APAC), 2009, Shanghai, China

    21. Geunsik Lim, "Mobile Experience with Linux (Android Internals and Prototype on S3c6410)", Linux Conference on Australia (LCA), Mobile Miniconference, Tasmania, Australia, Jan. 2009

    22. Geunsik Lim, "Linux-Based Open Mobile Platform: Android features and Enhancement", International Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET), Daegu, Korea, 2008

    [International Conferences] (2nd or co-work author)
    1. MyungJoo Ham, Jijoong Moon , Geunsik Lim, Jaeyun Jung, Hyoungjoo Ahn, Wook song, Sangjung Woo, Parichay Kapoor, Dongju Chae, Gichan Jang, Yongjoo Ahn, and Jihoon Lee, "Nnstreamer: Efficient and Agile Development of On-Device AI System," 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)-SEIP, Madrid, Spain, May. 2021. TOP-TIER

    2. MyungJoo Ham and Geunsik Lim, "Making Configurable and Unified Platform, Ready for Broader Future Devices," 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)-SEIP, Montreal, QC, Canada, May. 2019. TOP-TIER

    [Domestic Journals] (1st author or corresponding author) TOC
    1. Geunsik Lim, MyungJoo Ham, and Jaeyun Jung, "VTS: Virtual Testbed System for Cloud-based On-Device AI Application," KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices : Computing Practices and Letter (CPL), vol. 26, No. 1, Jan. 2020. https://doi.org/10.5626/KTCP.2020.26.1.12. Invited Paper

    2. Geunsik Lim, Dong Hyun Kang, and Young Ik Eom, "CPU Mediator for Optimizing Thread Operations on IoT Devices," KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices : Computing Practices and Letter (CPL), vol. 25, No. 12, Dec. 2019. https://doi.org/10.5626/KTCP.2019.25.12.616. Invited Paper

    3. Geunsik Lim, Changwoo Min, and Young Ik Eom, "Resource management framework for improving thread performance on mobile platform,"Journal of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (Journal of KIISE) : Computer Systems and Theory, vol. 40, issue 5, Oct. 2013.

    4. Geunsik Lim, Seho Lee, and Young Ik Eom, "Task parallelism system of application for multicore-based mobile platform," Journal of Korea Information and Communications Society (Journal of KICS), vol.38, issue 6, May 2013. Invited Paper

    [Domestic Conferences] (1st author or corresponding author) TOC
    1. Geunsik Lim and Young Ik Eom, "Analysis of the Impact of OS Memory Management Policy on the Buildup of Large-scale Software," Proc. of KIISE Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Jul. 2020.

    2. Geunsik Lim, Dong Hyun Kang, and Young Ik Eom, "Optimizing Thread Operation for IoT Application," Proc. of KIISE Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Excellent Presentation Paper Award, Jun. 2019.

    3. Geunsik Lim, MyungJoo Ham, and Jaeyun Jung, "Cloud-based Testbed for On-Device AI Application," Proc. of KIISE Korea Computer Congress (KCC), Excellent Presentation Paper Award, Jun. 2019.

    4. Geunsik Lim and Young Ik Eom, "UNAS: User-space NUMA-aware scheduler for optimizing memory utilization and performance," Proc. of KICS Winter Conference, Jan. 2014.

    5. Geunsik Lim, Taehun Kim, R.J.W.E. Lahaye, and Young Ik Eom, "HTCondor-based distributed compiler network," Proc. of KIISE Fall Conference, Excellent Paper Award, Nov. 2013.

    6. Geunsik Lim, Keonwoo Kim, and Young Ik Eom, "Notrace32-based real-time remote debugging method for optimization of mobile OS," Proc. of KICS Summer Conference, Jun. 2013.

    7. Geunsik Lim, Changwoo Min, and Young Ik Eom, "Dynamic thread scheduling framework for improving user responsiveness," Proc. of KIISE Korea Computer Congress, Jun. 2013.

    8. Geunsik Lim, Younghyun Joo, and Young Ik Eom, "CoCloud: Revision control based collaborative cloud system for contents cooperation," Proc. of KICS Joint Conference on Communications and Information, May 2013.

    9. Geunsik Lim, Seho Lee, and Young Ik Eom, "BioMP: Migrating OpenMP into Bionic library for Android platform based on ARM multicore," Proc. of KICS Winter Conference, Excellent Paper Award, Jan. 2013.

    10. Geunsik Lim, Keonwoo Kim, and Young Ik Eom, "Notrace32: Tracing technology to analyze kernel of Android platform in real-time," Proc. of KIISE Summer Workshop on Computer Communications, Information Network Society, Aug. 2012.

    11. Geunsik Lim "Android Platform Internals", 3rd CELF Korea Technical Jamboree, 2008, Seoul, Korea

    12. Geunsik Lim "Opensource Business Model and Android Platform", KIPA (Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency), 2008, Seoul, Korea

    [Domestic Android Conferences] (Presenter) TOC
    1. Geunsik Lim "Task parallelism with KTC & Bionic/OpenMP for Multicore-Based Android", 11th Korea Android Conference, 2013, www.kandroid.org

    2. Geunsik Lim "Multicore-Based Memory Issues and Development Tips on ICS", Samsung Developer Day 2012 (Galaxy S III), Samsung Electronics, Seoul, Korea

    3. Geunsik Lim "Solving memory leak to avoid LMK operation of Android applications: Valgrind on ARM", 9th Korea Android Conference, 2012, www.kandroid.org

    4. Geunsik Lim "Issues that smart device platform developers must know", Smart Device Developer Conf, KOSTA(Korea Software Technology Association)/MDS Technology, Seoul, Korea, 2011

    5. Geunsik Lim "Android Kernel Debugging : Ftrace", 8th Korea Android Conference, 2011, www.kandroid.org

    6. Geunsik Lim "Android Network and Enhancement", 7th Korea Android Conference, 2011, www.kandroid.org

    7. Geunsik Lim "Chrome WebOS Based on Cloud Computing", 6th Korea Android Conference, 2010, www.kandroid.org

    8. Geunsik Lim "Optimization Android Performance with GCC Compiler", 5th Korea Android Conference, 2010, www.kandroid.org

    9. Geunsik Lim "Prelink and Preload Based Zygote Analysis", 4th Korea Android Conference, 2009, www.kandroid.org

    10. Geunsik Lim "Understanding repo to manage android full sources", 3rd Korea Android Conference, 2009, www.kandroid.org

    11. Geunsik Lim "Android Porting and Understanding Development Process", 2nd Korea Android Conference, 2008, www.kandroid.org

    12. Geunsik Lim "Linux Based Android Kernel Issues", 1st Korea Android Conference, 2008, www.kandroid.org

    [Patents (Applied): Since 2010] (Main inventor) TOC
    1. Geunsik Lim, "A method and a lightweight and efficient code inspection system for continuous software integration", 2020

    2. Geunsik Lim, "Virtual Testbed System for Cloud-based On-Device AI Application", 2019

    3. Geunsik Lim, "A method and configurable system for generating User-defined software platform image, 2017

    4. Geunsik Lim, "Enhancing application performance with virtual memory partitioning technique", 2013

    5. Geunsik Lim, "Operation Zone Based SMP Scheduler for Effective Task Migration on Multicore Systems", 2012

    6. Geunsik Lim, Myung-June Jung, Sang-Bum Suh, Sung-Min Lee, "Apparatus and method for snapshot image segmentation", Application number 13/105,007, US 2012/0101996

    7. Geunsik Lim, "Apparatus and method for managing memory in consideration of user response time", European Patent Application EP2386957, EP20110165602, Publication Date 11/16/2011

    8. Geunsik Lim, Sang-bum Suh, Ju-pyung Lee, "Apparatus and method for managing memory", United States Patent Application 20110283080, Publication Date 11/17/2011

    [Acknowledgements Related Papers] TOC
    1. Paul E. McKenney, "When Do Real Time Systems Need Multiple CPUs?", IBM Linux Technology Center, Real Time Linux Workshops 2010, Oct-24-2010, perf-book (PDF), perf-book (GitHub)

    [Awards] TOC
    1. Popularity Award, MathWorks Korea, '2025 MatLab AI Model Challenge’, Feb-27-2025

    2. Samsung Best Paper Award 2023, SAIT Samsung Electronics, "SWAM: Revisiting Swap and OOMK for Improving Application Responsiveness on Mobile Devices", Seoul, KR, Sep-02-2023, Silver Award, 1st Author

    3. Long Service Award from Samsung Electronics, Samsung Electronics, Jan-03-2023, 20 Years Long Service Award

    4. Gold Winner from ST Micro Electronics Korea, "STM32 Quest Challenge: STM32Cube.AI Recognition 2022", E4ds, Nove-06-2022

    5. 1st Opensource Award from Opensource Source Group, Samsung Research, "Inner-source with Opensource culture for the 2021 year", Samsung Electronics, Nov-20-2021, Open Source Award (Personal sector)

    6. 1st Opensource Award from Opensource Source Group, Samsung Research, "Best practice with opensource for the 2021 year", Samsung Electronics, Nov-20-2021, Open Source Award (Team sector)

    7. Samsung Best Paper Award 2021, SAIT Samsung Electronics, "Nnstreamer: Efficient and Agile Development of On-Device AI System", Seoul, KR, Nov-08-2021, Gold Award

    8. Embedded Software Industry 有功 褒賞 (Meritorious Service Praise) from The Federation of Korean Information Industries (FKII & KEESIA), Korea Embedded Software and System Industry Association (KESSIA), Dec-22-2020, Embedded Software Industry Association President Award, FKII20210125-4-1

    9. Excellent Award from ST Micro Electronics, "STM32MP1 Complete Conquest Quest Challenge", E4ds, Aug-03-2020

    10. Best Code Review Award 2019 from DevXday, "Code Review Contest for the 2019 year", Samsung Electronics, Sep-25-2019, 2nd Place Award

    11. Best Opinion Award from 2019 Post Conference, EIRIC (Electronic & Information Research Information Center), "Best Opinion Event for 2019 year", Jul-30-2019

    12. Samsung Best Paper Award 2019, SAIT Samsung Electronics, "Making Configurable and Unified Platform, Ready for Broader Future Devices", Seoul, KR, Nov-15-2019, Silver Award

    13. Samsung Best Paper Award 2016, SAIT Samsung Electronics, "BB: Booting Booster for Consumer Electronics with Modern OS", Seoul, KR, Nov-28-2016, Gold Award, 1st Author

    14. IEEE CE Chester Sall Award, IEEE Consumer Electronics(CE) Society, "Virtual memory partitioning for enhancing application performance in mobile devices," Lasvegas, US, Jan-11-2016, 1st Place Best Paper

    15. Excellent Research Award, College of Information & Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, "Excellent Research Paper for 2013 year", No. 662, 2014

    16. Product Innovation Award from SAIT, Samsung Electronics, "Deploying the Full-HD Camcorder with Realtime Linux", 2010

    17. Bravo Award,Samsung Electronics, "Linux-Based DTV Enhancement and Deployment (VxWorks-to-Linux migration)", 2007

    [Publications] TOC
    1. "라즈베리파이로 시작하는 핸드메이드 IoT", BJ Public, 448 pages, 173x230mm, 851g, ISBN 9791190014489, Sep-27-2019, (in Korean) BEST: IT Mobile Top 100 (9weeks)

    Ph.D. degree, in College of Information & Communication Engineering, Graduate school (DC-Lab)
    Sungkyunkwan University (South Korea)
    1) Specialized in the page reclamation of the memory management.
    2) Published the book that describes how to develop the IoT systems on the Raspberry-PI3 board.

    [Certifications] TOC
    1. ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP) Certificate
    2. Oracle Certified Professional 9i (OCP 9i Administrator)
    3. Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)
    4. Driver License 1st Class (Road Traffic Authority Driver's License Examination Office)
    5. Linux Master 1st Class (Korea Association for ICT Promotion)
    6. Engineer Information Processing (Human Resources Development Service of Korea)

    [Membership] TOC
    1. IEEE CTSoc MDA-TC, Oct-2022 ~
    2. IEEE Membership, 2012 ~
    3. IEEE Consumer Technology Society Membership, 2012 ~
    4. IEEE Communications Society Membership, 2013 ~
    5. BBB Korea, Volunteer Interpreter, 2010 ~
    6. Samsung Electronics, Software Membership 2000 ~ 2002

    [Friends] TOC
    1. Seungmin Oh, Software Engineer
    2. Myungjoo Ham,NNStreamer Founder, Tizen Architect (Machine Learning)
    3. Jijoong Moon, Software Engineer
    4. Seikwon Kim, Principle Engineer at Samsung Electronics
    5. Dong-seob Park, Kakao Bank
    6. Heekuk Leea>, Principle Engineer at Samsung Electronics
    7. Younlea Kim, Principle Engineer at Samsung Electronics
    8. TBA

      This webpage was last modified on Feb-19-2025.